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Building Up the Future Generations

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. promotes business education throughout the nation by offering scholarships on our local, regional, and national levels. The sorority believes that education is a key component which opens the doorway to pursuing and achieving career goals in lasting professions or entrepreneurial endeavors. Gamma Chapter supports these pursuits by awarding merit and need based scholarships to young women and men driven to earn degrees in business or related professional fields. (Gamma Chapter sponsors scholarships for residents of the DC, MD, and VA, metropolitan area ONLY.)




American Education Week Observance

November 2024

National Essay Topic:  “The Importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Education”


The National Essay Contest is open to all middle and high school students.  Each chapter may sponsor a student in each of the categories, ensuring that each one is judged within his/her correct age/school category.  Each student will prepare her/his essay for National American Education Week based on the theme that has been selected by the National Board of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority.  After the local chapter’s judging, send the winner from each age grouping to your Regional Representative.

The following items should be included with the winner’s essay:


  • Essay Application

  • 500-word essay

  • Declaration of Originality 

  • Essay should be double-spaced on an 8 1/2 x 11 white copy paper and the Declaration of Originality properly signed.

  • The essay should contain a cover page or the following information on the first page, a heading showing the essay title, the sponsoring chapter, the student’s name, age, and grade.



The regional representative will select three (3) competent and impartial judges (non Sorors) to judge the essays received, using the Essay Rubric.  She will compute the scores and forward the winning regional essay(s), the judges’ score sheets, and names of all participants in both middle and high school categories to the National President-Elect for national judging by December 30th. The Regional Representative will also send names of the regional winner(s) to the National Youth Activities chair.

National judging will be in the same manner: three (3) impartial judges, who are not Sorors, using the same Rubric.

  The winners will receive the following:


High School

 1st Place:  $500.00

 2nd Place:  $250.00

3rd Place: $100.00


Middle School

 1st Place:  $500.00

 2nd Place:  $250.00

 3rd Place:  $100.00

All submissions will be accepted in the form of a PDF document and uploaded using Google Form.


Click Here to For Application

Click Here to Apply & Submit Your Application

Video instructions & guidance -------->




Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. is proud to offer a one-time $2000.00 FIL National Scholarship.  This scholarship offers financial support and is awarded to a deserving FIL, a high school senior, who will pursue a degree in a business related field of study. Judging criteria will include academic performance/achievement, SAT/ACT scores, career aspirations, demonstrated leadership and financial need.  Gamma Chapter will also award up to $250.00 locally for this scholarship.  In addition, all FILs who meet the eligibility criteria may apply to compete for the national award up to $2,000.


Eligibility Criteria

FIL Application | Now Available


1. Graduating Future Iota Leader (FIL) high school senior.


2. Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.


3. Plans to pursue a degree in a business related field of study.


4. Must attend an accredited institution in the United States.


5. Must provide proof of enrollment before funds are allocated.


6. Submit the completed application packet to Gamma Chapter on or before February 1, 2025

Gamma Chapter will be submitting the electronic submissions to its National Office for Scholarships for the February 28, 2025 deadline.


The application packet must include the following:


a. Completed & Signed Student Application Form

b. Completed & Signed Scholarship Registration Form

c. Current official/certified academic transcript with SAT or ACT scores

d. Two letters of recommendations from either high school teachers, counselors, or principal

e. A 300-500 word autobiographical essay (see guidelines below)


7.  All submission packets will be accepted electronically through Google Form. See link below.


8. A committee of non-partisan judges will judge all essays.  All decisions of the judges are final


Essay Guidelines:

● Compose an autobiographical essay based on your career aspirations, most significant leadership experiences, and your most significant achievements

● Double-spaced typewritten pages (about 300-500 words)

● Submit your essay on 8 1/2 x 11 inch white copy paper (one original and three copies)


Click Here to Apply & Submit Your Application


Making a Difference


Alice P. Allen National Scholarship Award

2024-2025 Scholarship Information


The Alice P. Allen National Scholarship is named in honor of Iota’s second National President (1946-1950). This scholarship is to be awarded to a teenage mother desiring to further her education beyond high school. Gamma Chapter manages this award locally and awards $250.00 locally to the one winner selected to compete for the national $2,000.00 award.


Eligibility Criteria


1. Graduating high school senior and a teenage mother.


2. Plans to pursue a degree in a business-related field of study.


3. Must attend an accredited institution in the United States.


4. Must provide proof of enrollment before funds are allocated.


5. Submit the completed application packet to Gamma Chapter on or before January 15, 2025.


The application packet must include the following:


a. Completed & Signed Student Application Form

b. Completed & Signed Scholarship Registration Form

c. Current official/certified academic transcript with SAT or ACT scores

d. Two letters of recommendations

e. A 300-500 word autobiographical essay (see guidelines below)


6. Please email your submission packets to:


7. A committee of non-partisan judges will judge all essays. All decisions of the judges are final


Essay Guidelines:

● Compose an autobiographical essay based on your career aspirations, most significant leadership experiences, and your most significant achievements

● Double-spaced typewritten pages (about 300-500 words)

● Submit your essay on 8 1/2 x 11 inch white copy paper (one original and three copies)


All submissions will be accepted in the form of a PDF document and uploaded using Google Form.


Click Here to For Application

Click Here to Apply & Submit Your Application




Dorethea N. Hornbuckle Memorial Scholarship Award

2024-2025 Scholarship Information


Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. awards the Dorethea N. Hornbuckle Memorial Scholarship to a worthy student enabling them to pursue or continue academic studies in the field of business, business administration, science, or engineering at an institution of higher learning of their choice located in the United States of America. The Dorethea N. Hornbuckle Memorial Scholarship is a one-time award that provides a college scholarship up to $2,000 for the academic year for students pursing a degree at a four-year institution.


Eligibility Criteria


1. Recent high school graduate or full-time undergraduate college student.


2. Pursuing a degree in a business, business administration, science or engineering.


3. Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.


4. Must attend or plan to attend an accredited four-year institution.


5. Served in the community within the past 12 months, with certified documentation.


6. Must provide proof of enrollment before funds are allocated.


7. Submit the completed application packet to Gamma Chapter on or before January 26, 2025.


The application packet must include the following:


a. Completed & Signed Student Application Form

b. Completed & Signed Scholarship Registration Form

c. Current official/certified academic transcript with SAT or ACT scores

d. Two letters of recommendations

e. A 300-500 word autobiographical essay (see guidelines below)


8. Please email your submission packets to:

9. A committee of non-partisan judges will judge all essays. All decisions of the judges are final


Essay Guidelines:

● Compose an autobiographical essay based on your career aspirations, most significant leadership experiences, and your most significant achievements

● Double-spaced typewritten pages (about 300-500 words)

● Submit your essay on 8 1/2 x 11 inch white portrait in a PDF file.


All submissions will be accepted in the form of a PDF document and uploaded using Google Form.


Click Here to For Application

Click Here to Apply & Submit Your Application


 Anna J. Steen Eastern Regional Scholarship

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.



The women of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. deeply care about your privacy. The information you share will be kept confidential and will only be used by select committee members of this organization to evaluate and assess your candidacy for our scholarship awards. This form is to be completed, signed, and dated by the prospective candidate and submitted to the local Iota Phi Lambda chapter in your respective city and/or state.



This application must be completed in its entirety. All fields within each section must be satisfied with a valid response. If the question or field does not apply directly to you, or if you do not have a response, please include “N/A or Non-Applicable” on the line item, so that the committee members see that you have acknowledged that section of the application.


In addition to the application, please submit three letters of recommendation (one of which must be from the local sorority chapter), a passport-sized headshot photo, an official, sealed high school transcript, and your professional résumé. Recommendation letters can be submitted from pastors, youth leaders, teachers, coaches, mentors, etc. If your recommender is a member of a national organization or registered business, please ensure that they use the official letterhead of that organization or firm.


All responses must be legible and printed in black or blue ink. Typed responses are also acceptable.



A total of three copies of each of the following should be included in your submission:

  • 3 Copies of the Completed Student Application

  • 3 Copies of Your Essays

  • 3 Copies of the Official, Sealed Transcript and SAT/ACT Scores

  • 3 Copies of EACH Candidate Recommendation Forms

  • 3 Copies of the Passport Sized Headshot Photos

  • 3 Copies of your Professional Résumé




Jean P. East Leadership Scholarship Award

Scholarship Information


Gamma Chapter of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. awards the Jean P. East Leadership Scholarship to a worthy student enabling them to pursue or continue academic studies in the field of business, business administration, science, or engineering at an institution of higher learning of their choice located in the United States of America. The Jean P. East Leadership Scholarship is a one-time award that provides a college scholarship up to $2,000 for the academic year.


Eligibility Criteria


1. Graduating high school senior or full-time undergraduate college student.


2. Pursuing a degree in a business, business administration, science or engineering.


3. Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.


4. Must attend a four-year accredited institution in the United States.


5. Served in the community within the past 12 months, with certified documentation.


6. Must provide proof of enrollment before funds are allocated.


7. Not accepting in 2024-2025 service year. 


The application packet must include the following:


a. Completed & Signed Student Application Form

b. Completed & Signed Scholarship Registration Form

c. Current official/certified academic transcript with SAT or ACT scores

d. Two letters of recommendations

e. A 300-500 word essay. (See guidelines below.)


8. Please email your submission packets to:


9. Mail all original copies of the application packet to: 

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.

Gamma Chapter

ATTN: Scholarship Committee

P.O. Box 75985

Washington, DC 20013


10. A committee of non-partisan judges will judge all essays. All decisions of the judges are final.


Essay Guidelines:

● Compose a petition to African American Women on what they feel these women can do to bring about economic empowerment for women in today’s society.

● Double-spaced typewritten pages (about 300-500 words)

● Submit your essay on 8 1/2 x 11 inch white copy paper (one original and three copies)



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